Training + Consultation offered by Prospect Therapy
Fulfilling our mission of promoting community visibility and access to care by offering workshops, training, and consultation to the public and to fellow mental health providers. Rates are hourly with a two-hour minimum. Please inquire about nonprofit training rates. All fees go directly to the facilitator.
Providing LGBTQIA+ affirming care
Our therapists offer this training to fellow mental health providers and other helping professionals who want to deepen their understanding of queer and trans communities, beyond just “pronouns 101.” This workshop covers different models of identity development and suggestions for how to modify common interventions.
Past participants include Southern California Counseling Centers and Clearview Outpatient Treatment Centers.
Compassion fatigue
This interactive workshop educates participants about compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma, the different stages of the burnout cycle, how to spot signs and symptoms that tell you where in the cycle you are, and helps you develop a personal plan for relief. It is helpful for both managers and direct service providers in a variety of fields and is a great way to support team health and culture.
Past participants include the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.
Business Coaching
Sara offers business coaching and online courses for therapists and other entrepreneurs who are starting or growing their small businesses.
Coaching packages start at $1,000 per month for a minimum of 3 months.