You're not interested in working with the stereotypical, nice-white-lady therapist. I'm not interested in being that!
I spent years working in nonprofits and agencies, trying to feel cool wearing business-casual slacks and those trademark "work flats." (You know the ones.)
I hid my weirdness, lightened up my humor, and ate sad office birthday cake at least once a month. I was good at my job. I made friends. I learned a lot. But I didn't realize how much of myself I was putting away between 9am and 5pm. I didn't know what I was missing.
Since starting Prospect Therapy, I've learned firsthand that the more myself I am, the more successful I am. As a therapist, a leader, and as a business owner. It helps me connect with my clients, and lets them know they can be real too. Ironically, this is at the core of what I talk about with my clients: Being yourself is a gift.
My clients prove this to me every day:
"I called around to a few therapists, but you actually seem like someone I would be friends with!"
"Talking to you doesn't feel like therapy."
"This is easier than I expected." It's easier for me too.
My style isn't for everyone. But that's okay - I don't work with everyone! As the owner of Prospect Therapy, I keep my client list small, and make sure I am the right person to help you before taking you as a client. When I connect with the clients I'm supposed to be helping, I do better, and you do better. And for folks that aren't a good fit, I'm lucky to have a team of therapists who are waiting to meet you. If you think your issues are too specific or unique, I promise you there is someone who specializes in exactly what's bothering you. It's a win-win!
being seen for who we truly are
Why Choose To WOrk With Me?
You want somewhere you can be yourself. Not just the "best-behavior" version. The one that is secretly hurt, vulnerable, and can be a little petty. Who sometimes makes bad decisions but still needs kindness and grace. The best way to feel better - and be better - is honesty about what serves you and what doesn't.
I don't quietly judge you, or tell you what to do. I don't harp on your past, or force you to tell me all the gory details before you're ready. We look toward the future you want to create and figure out what you can do now to get there.
I hope therapy with me feels like a combination of your close friends, that one cool high school teacher, and like, your favorite aunt. I bring in my expertise in treating things like relationship conflict, managing anxiety, and overcoming depression, but my life experiences help me connect with you on a personal level and understand where you're coming from.
Sure, I have my cynical moments, and I have a pretty dry sense of humor. But I also completely believe in people, including every person that comes through my door. That's why I became a therapist!
Who Are My people?
High-achieving individuals and "power couples." People who are successful, driven, and know where they're going in their career, but maybe feel a little lost in other areas. People who are used to success hate feeling lost! High-achievers frequently have overcome a significant trauma or major life change early in their upbringing. This can lead to difficulty setting boundaries, and over-extending yourself to the point where you feel resentment and responsibility for making sure things run smoothly. I help people make sense of the relationship between their past and their present, and make choices that are aligned with their values. Learn more about how I work with power couples and high-achievers.
The "black sheep." People who don't feel like they know where they belong. This is particularly common among first-generation/immigrant Americans like myself. When your family is from the old country and you're trying to navigate white America, life can feel like a series of Motel 6's when you're just trying to get home. Except you're not really sure where home is. This can end up causing feelings of inadequacy, rejection, anxiety, and depression. People who don't have this experience tend not to know how to relate to it, but I certainly do! Learn more about how I work with first-generation Americans.
The queer and trans community. As a bisexual cisgender woman I'm part of the community myself, and am particularly attuned to how the erasure of different identities affects people. There isn't "one way to be queer." I recognize the impact of internalized and institutionalized homo/bi/transphobia on people's mental health, but also don't make the mistake of attributing all your issues to your gender identity or sexual orientation. Learn more about how I provide transgender and nonbinary affirming therapy.
The details
Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT98421), licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences; Marriage and Family Therapist (4168-R), licensed by the Nevada Board of Examiners.
Diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and certified Cognitive Therapist
Advanced Certificate in Transgender Affirming Therapy from Widener University
Former board member of the Los Angeles Bisexual Task Force
Gottman Method Couple Therapy - Level 3 trained
Relational Life Therapy - Level 1 trained
Training and expertise in trauma-informed care, motivational interviewing, assessment and treatment of intimate partner violence, and LGBTQ+ affirming therapy
MA in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (Los Angeles Campus)
BA, in Art History and Latin from Mount Holyoke College
More questions? Call me at (562) 704-4736 or send me a message. I encourage people to use free consultation time to get to know their potential therapist.